Figurine of The Hiker
AED 1,150
the Story
At the tourist office in Patagonia’s Los Alerces National Park, the forest ranger raised an eyebrow when I picked the toughest trail. His cautious query about my fitness was met with my confident—though slightly untruthful—assurance: “Of course.” Full of bravado, I started hiking, whistling The Bridge on the River Kwai, but within an hour, the adventure turned sour. Nettles, mosquitoes, and the untimely ungluing of my right boot sole greeted me. Then came the vertigo, the slippery cliffside ascent, and the tachycardia that sped my heart to 140 beats per minute.
Six hours later, I found myself in a medical evacuation helicopter, consciousness returning as I lay on the stretcher. When I asked the medic if I could resume the climb, his reply was disheartening: “Given your state, you won’t even be able to climb a stool”.
Artist:Guillermo Forchino
the Details
Guillermo Forchino’s “The Hiker” (Art. no. FO 85551 – Size: 18 x 18 x 39 cm) humorously captures the spirit of this ill-fated adventurer. With incredible attention to detail, from the battered hiking gear to the sweat-soaked expression, this figurine is a perfect gift for those who laugh in the face of challenges—or find humor in less successful outdoor adventures. It’s a fun and playful reminder that sometimes, the journey takes unexpected turns!
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